1.   Who was there on the ledge with the young seagull for the last twenty four hours ?
   There was no one on the ledge with the young seagull for the last twenty four hours. He was alone.

2.   What were the young seagull’s parents doing to him ?
     The young seagull’s parent were calling to him shrilly, upbraiding him and threatening him.

3.   How were the parents helping his brothers and sisters ?
   The parents were helping his brothers and sisters by perfecting them in the art of flying.

4.   Why did the seagull become afraid when he attempted to fly ?
    The young seagull became afraid when he saw the great expanse of sea stretched down beneath, and it was a very long way down.

Complete the following sentences:

1.  The seagull couldn’t rise from the surface of the green sea because he was tired and weak with hunger.

2.  The young couldn’t fly like his sister and brothers because he was afraid even to try to fly.

3.  The young seagull’s family gave him scraps of dog-fish when he took his first flight right across the ocean and then was floating on it.