Q.1       Name the following:

1.  Three digestive glands in our body .
Ans:  Liver, pancreas and salivary glands .

2.  The organ where protein digestion starts .
Ans:  Stomach .

3.  Teeth used for piercing and tearing.
Ans:  Canines.

4.  The fleshy muscular organ in the buccal cavity .
Ans:  Tongue.

5.  The process of taking food into the body.
Ans:  Ingestion.

6.  The simplest form of carbohydrate.
Ans:  Glucose.

Q.2       Answer the following questions:

1)  Name the different types of teeth, their functions and numbers.
Type of teeth                   Number                        Function

i) Incisors                                 4                       Cutting and biting teeth.
ii) canines                                 8                      Piercing and tearing teeth.
iii) Premolars                            8                     Chewing and grinding teeth.
iv) Molars                                 12                     Chewing and grinding teeth.

2)  State the action of saliva on food.
Ans:  Saliva in the mouth breaks down the starch into sugars.

3)  Name the different processes involved in digestion.
Ans:  Ingestion, digestion,  absorption, assimilation and digestion.

4)  Why is digestion of fat difficult as compared to that of other nutrients.
Ans:  Fats are insoluble in water whereas the other nutrients are soluble. As a result the breakdown of fats is difficult.

5)  Name the secretions of stomach which digest food.
Ans:  The inner lining of the stomach secretes mucous, hydrochloric acid and digestive juices.

6)  How can we protect our teeth from tooth decay.
1) Brush your teeth twice a day.
2) Avoid eating too much of sweet food items.
3) Rinse the mouth thoroughly after every meal.
4) Avoid putting dirty fingers or unwashed objects in the mouth.

7.  Sometimes when we eat in a hurry, laugh or talk while eating, we get hiccups. Give reasons.
Ans:  The windpipe carrying air from the nostrils runs adjacent to the food pipe. Sometimes food particles enter the windpipe and we get hiccups.

8.  What is the function of Pseudopodia?
Ans:  Pseudopodia is amoeba helps in the movement and capture of food.

9)  What is digestion?
Ans:  The faecal matter is removed through the anus from time to time. This is called digestion.

10)  What is rumination?
Ans:  Ruminant animals like cow quickly swallow grass and store it in a separate part of the stomach call rumen . Where it gets partially
digested and is called cud. Later the cud returns to the mouth in small limps and the animal chews it. This process is called rumination.

11)  What is the role of hydrochloric and secreted by the stomach?
Ans:  The acid kills many bacteria that enter along with the food and makes the medium in the stomach acidic.

Q.3    Given below is a crossword puzzle based on this lesson. Use hints provided to fill in the blank spaces with letters that complete the words.

1.  Finger like outgrowth in the small intestine .

2.  Largest gland of the body .

3.  Secretions of the salivary gland .

4.  Removal of faeces .

5.  Separate part of the stomach in cow where they store swallowed grass .

6.  Secretion of the liver .

7.  Teeth used for tearing .

1. Villi               2. Liver            3. Saliva           4. Rumen
5. Rumen         6. Bile              7.Canine .