1.  AgricultureCultivation of plants and rearing of animals.

2.  CropsPlants of the same kind grown on a large scale.

3.  Agricultural practicesActivities done for the cultivation of plants.

4.  PloughA large farming implement.

5.  Plough shareThe main cutting blade of a plough.

6.  HoeTool used for farming.

7.  ManureSoil formed after decomposition of plants and animals.

8. WeedsUnwanted plants.

9.  HarrowTool to remove weeds.

10 HarvestingCutting of crops.

11. Mud binsLarge storage bins made of clay.

12.Nutrients — Substances that provides nourishment.

13. ChaffHusk of corn .

14 Furrow  Long narrow path made by a plough.