1.2   Text Questions :

Answer the question in few words / one sentence :

(1)  Give one simple factor common  in all parties.
Ans :
The government is chosen by the people.

(2)  Who are the rulers in a democracy.
Ans :
The elected representatives of the people.

(3)  Why kind of election is a democratic election.
Ans :
Free , fair and multiparty elections.

(4)  Who elects the rulers in a democratic election.
Ans :
All adult citizens (18 years and above) of the country.

(5)  Who forms the opposition party.
Ans :
Parties that had been elected but could not get majority seats.

(6)  On what principal is the democracy base.
Ans :
Political, social and economical  equality.

(7)  Who protects the basic rights of the citizen.
Ans :
An independent judiciary.

(8)  With whom does the final decision making power rest in a democracy.
Ans :
With those elected by the people.

(9)  What does political quality mean.
Ans :
Each member citizen must have one vote and that vote must have one value.

(10)  How can we make our country more democratic.
Ans :
Choose good leader and take active part in the political right.

(11)  How does a democratic government rule.
Ans :
Within the limits set by – constitutional law and citizen rights.

(12)  Why should a democracy be based on a free and fair election.
Ans :
Those currently in power have a fair chance of loosing.

(13)  Write any one argument against democracy.
Ans :
Leaders keep changing, leading instability.

(14)  Write any one argument against government.
Ans :
Democracy  improves the quality of decision making .

(15)  What is the important factor responsible for the success of democracy.
Ans :
Active political participation by all the citizens.

  Answer the following questions:

1.  What is universal adult franchise.
Ans : All adult citizens of 18 years and above have the right to vote.

2.  In which year India have universal adult franchise.
Ans :

3.  What is democracy.
Ans :
A form of government that allow people to vote and contest elections.

4.  Where were the early democracies first establish.
Ans :
In Europe, North America and Latin America.

5.  Who control the communist party in the Eastern Europe before 1990.
Ans :
The Soviet union.

6.  In which year did the Soviet union broke down.
Ans :
In 1991.

7.  Which event led to the big change in the political map of the world.
Ans :
End of soviet control on East Europe and breakup of the so soviet union.

8.  Who has been awarded the Nobel peace prize.
Ans :
Aung San Suu Kyi of Myanmar.

9.  What is the full form UNO.
Ans :
United Nation Organisation.

10.  What is UNO.
Ans :
A Global Association of nations to help co operation in international law, security, economic development and social equity.

11.  What does the UN council do.
Ans :
It is responsible for maintaining peace and security among countries.

12.  What is the function of the International monetary fund.
Ans :
It gives loan’s to the world government.

13.  How many member countries does the UNO have.
Ans :
193 members.

14.  What is the function of the UN General Assembly.
Ans :
The U.N General Assembly like the parliament where all the discussion takes place.

15.  How many members does the security council have.
Ans : 
15 members.

16.  Name the permanent members of the security council.
Ans :
United States, United Kingdom, Russia, France, China.

17.  Which organ of the U.N makes crucial decision during world conflict.
Ans :
The 15 member security council.

18.  Who contributes most of the money needed for maintaining the UN.
Ans :

19.  Who has the power in the security council.
Ans :
Each permanent member in the security council has veto power.

20.  What does veto power mean.
Ans :
It means that the council cannot take a decision if any permanent member say ‘ no’ to that decision.

21.  Who has always been the president of word bank .
Ans :
A citizens of U.S.

22.  Which is the only power in the world today.
Ans :

23.  Who ruled before Iraq before Independence before 1932.
Ans :
The British.

24.  Who became the President of Iraq in 1979.
Ans :
Suddam Hussain.

25.  Why is it said that the US war on Iraq was illegal.
Ans :
It was not arised by the security council.

  Answer in two sentences:

1.  Identify the democracy or what are the characteristic of a democracy.
Ans :

(1) Only elected leaders ruled the country .
(2) People have the freedom to give their opinion, organised and protest.

2.  What makes a government non – democratic.
Ans :

(1) People cannot choose or change their leaders.
(2) They have no fundamental rights, non-freedom.

3.  What difficulties do people face in a non-democratic country.
Ans :

(1) People cannot take political decisions.
(2) They cannot protest or express their views.

4.  What is the importance of universal adult franchise.
Ans :

(1) All adult citizens have right to vote.
(2) Men or women, rich or poor, black  or white can vote.

5.  What is the effect of marital law.
Ans :

(1) People have no political freedom.
(2) Political activities are imprisoned.

6.  What is United Nation Organisation.
Ans :

(1) The United Nation is global association of nations.
(2) Its different organs works for peace and development.

7.  The Security council is an important organ of U.N.
Ans :

(1) It is responsible for maintaining peace and security among the nations.
(2) It can put up and International army and actions against the wrong doers.

8.  What is the real power of U. N within the five permanent countries.
Ans :
  These members contribute most of the money for the maintenance of  U.N.

9.  The 188 members of the IMF do not have equal voting writes explain.
Ans :
  The vote of each country is weighed by how much money it has contributed to the IMF.

  Answer in two sentences :

(1)  Why is it said that people are powerful in a democracy.
Ans :

(1) People elect their leaders to form the government.
(2) People can also remove existing rulers.

(2)  Why is holding elections to any kind, not efficient in a democracy.
Ans :

(1) Elections must offer a real choice between political alternatives.
(2) People can also remove existing rulers.

(3)  In some countries dirty tricks are used to coin elections. Explain.
Ans :

(1) Polling booths are shifted, making it difficult for people to vote.
(2) Large sum of money is spent in campaigning.

(4)  India has representative form of government. Explain.
Ans :

(1) We have a righto vote for our leaders.
(2) Elected representatives form the government for a period of 5 years.

(5)  Why are countries like Pakistan not called real democracies.
Ans :

(1) People elect their representatives but do not have proper.
(2) Final powers rests with military officers and presidents.

(6)  Why is the democracy responsible to the people in a democracy.
Ans :

(1) The government is elected by the people .
(2) Representatives can question government policies.