1.2  Text Questions And Answers :

I . Fill in the blanks :

(1) The Union Legislature in India is called Parliament.

(2) The maximum strength of Rajya Sabha could be 250.

(3) The number of members directly elected to Lok Sabha from the states  is 530.

(4) Zero hour begins at 12 noon.

II .  Answer the following in one sentences:     

(1)  How many members can the President nominate to Rajya Sabha?
Ans : 
The President can nominate 12 members to the Rajya Sabha.

(2)  Who elects the members of Rajya Sabha?
Ans : 
The elected members of the state legislative assemblies elect the members of Rajya Sabha.

(3)  What is the minimum age limit for becoming a member of Lok Sabha?
Ans : 
 25 years .

III.   Write brief answer of the following :

(1)  State any two legislative powers of the President?
Ans :

(1) The President can summon or prorogue the Parliament and dissolve the  Lok Sabha.
(2) He can nominate 2 members of the Lok Sabha from the Indian Community .

(2)  What is the system of election for electing member of Rajya Sabha?
Ans :

(1) The members of Rajya Sabha are indirectly elected.
(2) They are elected member of state legislative assemblies.

(3)  State any two powers of the Speaker of Lok Sabha?
Ans :

(1) He decides points of orders interprets and applies rules of the house.
(2) The Speaker certifies whether a bill is money bill or not.

(4)  What are the Presidents power regarding a bill passed in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha?
Ans :

(1) If the Houses pass the bill again with or without amendments the President has no powers to with hold his assent.
(2) The President has no vote power in respect of a constitutional amendment bill.

(5)  What are the qualifications for membership of Rajya Sabha?
Ans :

(1) The person must be citizen of India.
(2) He / She must not be less than 30 years of age.

IV .  Answer the following in brief :

(1)  Describe the legislative procedure followed to pass a bill in Parliament?
Ans :

(1) The legislative process begins with the introduction of a bill in their House of Parliament that is Lok Sabha or Rajya Sabha.
(2) A Bill can be introduced either by a Minister or by Private member.

(2)  What are the Parliamentary devices to control the executive?
Ans :

(1) Question Hour : Asking is the inherent Parliament right of all members to point of short coming of administer.
(2) Short Duration : Discussion under rule 193 allows a member to raise an important issue through discussion.
(3) Motion of confidence : The government moves the motion of confidence to prove majority.

(3)  What is the composition of the Lok Sabha?
Ans :

(1) The members of the Lok Sabha are directly elected by the people.
(2) The maximum membership of the Lok Sabha 550 out of which 530 are directly elected from the states and 20 members are elected from Union Territory.
(3) The actual strength of the elected member of the Lok Sabha is 543.

(4)  Write briefly on law making power of the Union Legislature.
Ans :

(1) The law making is the primary function of the legislature and goes through 3 stages.
(2) A bill may be introduced either by a minister or by a private member.
(3) If the bill is opposed one of the members opposing the bill may be Permitted to give his reasons.