2.1   Meanings :

1. Interdependence –  the state of being dependent upon one another .

2.  Linking –  connecting .

3.  Tidal –  falling or flowing and ebbing tidal waters .

4.  Natural vegetation  –  plant community which has grown naturally .

 5.  Resist  –  withstand the action.

6.  Adequate  –  satisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity.

7.  Inequitable  – unequal .

8.  Vulnerable species  –  capable of being wounded or hurt.

9.  Destruction  –  an event (or the result of an event) that completely destroys something .

10.  Un-classed  –  not arranged in any specific grouping .

11.  Banning  –  informal prohibition of something.

12.  Expansion  –  spread .

13.  Declaring  –  announce .