(1)  What did the First Estate in France comprise of ?
Ans :  The First Estate in France comprised of the clergy.

 (2)  Which dynasty ruled France during the French Revolution in 1789?
Ans :
  The Bourbon dynasty ruled France during the French Revolution in 1789.

(3)  Who advocated the theory of Separation of Powers in France?
Ans : 
Montesquieu advocated the theory of Separation of Powers in  France.

(4)  Name the war that brought finance crisis to the French Empire?
Ans : 
The war that brought finance crisis to the French Empire was the ‘Seven  Years War’.

(5)  What did the Second Estate in France comprise of ?
Ans :  The Second Estate in France comprised of ‘The Nobility’.

(6)  Into how many social classes was the French society divided before the Revolution?
Ans : 
The French society was divided into three social classes before the French Revolution.

(7)  What became the ‘Bible’ of the Revolution rise in France?
Ans : 
The theory of the Social Contract became the ‘Bible’ of the Revolutionaries in France.

(8)  What principles did the French Revolution give to humanity?
Ans : 
The French Revolution gave the principles of liberty, equality and  fraternity to humanity .