6.3   Additional Questions :

Answer the following questions :

1.  Where are Shrubs found ?
Ans: Shrubs are found in the dry regions.

2.  What are the special features of tropical evergreen forest ?
Thick canopies of the closely spaced trees found here. As a result, sunlight do not reach  inside the forest.

3.  What are the temperate evergreen forest located ?
These forests are located in the mid-longitudinal coastal region.

4.  Name the animals found in tropical grasslands .
Elephant, zebras, giraffes deer and leopards are found in tropical grasslands.

5.  Mention one special feature of coniferous forest .
These forest have tall and softwood evergreen trees.

6.  Name the trees found in the tropical deciduous forests.
Sal, teak, neem and shisham are the trees found in the tropical deciduous forests .

7.  Why are only citrus fruits cultivated in Mediterranean regions ?
Its is because people have destroyed  the natural vegetation in order to cultivate citrus fruits.

8.  What are the Savannah grasslands found ?
The Savannah  grasslands are found in Venezuela.

9.  Name some animals found in polar regions .
Seal, walruses, musk-oxen, Arctic owl, polar bear and snow foxes are found in polar regions.

10.  Mention the features of Mediterranean trees .
These trees adopt themselves to dry summers with the help of their thick barks and wax coated leaves which help them reduce transportation.