1.  Identify the materials that each objects are made of Toy, Tumbler, Bag, Lock and key .

Objects Materials made up of
Toy plastic, wood, clay
Tumbler steel, glass, silver
Bag cloth, plastic, leather
Lock and key steel, aluminium, copper

2.  Identify the different type of objects that are made from the same materials. Leather, Plastics Cotton, Glass, Gold .

Materials Objects made of these materials
Leather  shoes, bags, sofa, suitcase
Plastics  bags, chair, bottles, pipes
Cotton clothes, bed sheet, ear buds, bandage
Glass   mirror, plate, cups, bowls
Gold  spoon, chairs, rings, bangles

3.  What are the properties of materials?
Ans :
Properties of Materials are :
(i) Appearance                     (ii)  Hardness                 (iii)   Soluble or insoluble
(iv) Transparency                (v) Objects may float or sink in water   .

4.  What kind of materials have lustre?
Ans: Materials like metals usually have lustre:
E.g. Iron, copper, aluminium and gold.

5.  Which material is referred to as soft?
Ans: Materials which can be compressed or scratched easily are called soft.

6.  Which material is referred to as hard?
Ans: Materials which are difficult to compress are called hard.

7.  Mix the below substance in water and check what disappears, what doesn’t?
Sugar, Sand, Chalk powder, Sawdust, Flour, Baking powder .

Substance Disappears/ does not disappear in water
Sugar disappears in water.
Sand does not disappear in water
 Chalk powder disappears in water.
Sawdust  does not disappear in water
Flour  disappears in water.
Baking powder disappears in water.

8.  What are soluble substances?
Ans: A substance which completely disappears or dissolved in water is called soluble substance.

9.  What are insoluble substance?
Ans: A substance which does not mix with water and do not disappear even after we stir for a long time is called insoluble substance.

10.  What is transparent?
Ans: Substance or materials, through which things can be seen are called transparent.

11.  What is Opaque?
Ans: There are some materials through which you are not able to see. These materials are called opaque.

12.  What is translucent?
Ans: The materials through which objects can be seen, but not clearly , are known as translucent.