1). In ΔPQR, D is the midpoint of QR.
i) PM is ________      ii) PD is _______             iii) Is QM = MR?
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 6 The Triangle and its Properties 1

i) Altitude
ii) Median
iii) No, QM ≠ MR because, D is the midpoint of QR.

2). Draw rough sketches for the following :
a) In ΔABC, BE is a median

b) In ΔPQR, PQ and PR are altitudes of the triangle.


c) In ΔXYZ, YL is an altitude in the exterior of the triangle.

d) Verify by drawing a diagram if the median and altitude of an isosceles triangle can be same.
Ans: Draw a line segment BD ⊥ AC. It is an altitude for this triangle. Here we can see
that length AD = DC. So, BD is also a median of this triangle.