Think and find out  :

1.  Do you know anyone who has had malaria.
Yes, one of my friend once had a malaria.

2.  How did they find out that he had malaria.
After his blood test was done.He was done he was diagnosed with malaria.

3.  What problems did they have on having malaria.
When he was suffering from malaria, he faced problems like fever, body ache, vomiting and weakness.

4.  What other disease can be caused by mosquito bites.
Disease like Dengue, Chikungunya and yellow fewer can be caused by mosquito bites.

5.  In which season is malaria more common. Why do you think this happen.
Malaria is more common in rainy seasons. This is because more of the mosquitoes breed in water logged and damp places in the rainy season.

6.  What do you do in your house to protect yourself from mosquitoes. Also find out from your friends about what they do.
We use mosquito repellant in our house. I asked my friends and found following measures are being used by them.
a) Mosquito repellants (They come in coils, liquids and mats) .
b) Mosquito repellant cream .
c) Mosquito nets .
d) Keeping the surrounding clean .
e) Removing stagnant water from the surrounding.

7.  Look at the report of the blood test given below. Which word in the report help us to know that the person has malaria.

Ans: In the blood test report it is clearly written that malarial parasite was found in the blood.

8. Find out :
a) Look at Aarti’s blood report and find out the minimum required hemoglobin.

Ans: The minimum required hemoglobin is 12 gm/dl .

b) How much did Aarti’s hemoglobin go up and how long did it take for that.
Ans: Aarti’s hemoglobin went up by 2.5 gm/dl and it took 2 months and 25 days to go up.

9.  What does the newspaper report say about problems caused by anemia.
Ans: The newspaper report says that anemia affects both the physical and mental health of affected children. They do not grow well and their energy levels are also low.

10.  Have you or anyone in your family ever needed to get blood test. When and why.
Yes, last year, I had to get my blood tested I was suffering from high fever.

11.  What was found out by the blood test.
The blood test reports said that I was suffering from Malaria.

12.  Have you had a health checkup in your school. What did the doctor tell you.
Yes, I had a health check – up in my school last month. The doctor said that I was fit and healthy.

13.  Ask a doctor or elders about the food items which contain iron.
Some of the main food items which contain iron are: Spinach, beans, cabbage, lettuce, pomegranate, apple, etc.

14.  Find out and tell :
a) Have you seen any poster like this put up anywhere.
Ans: Yes, I have seen such posters on the boundary walls of a dispensary in our locality.

b) Who do you think put up this poster, or give ads, in the newspaper.
Ans: The government puts such posters and gives ads in the newspaper. This is  to spread awareness among people about various general problems arising in the society and the steps to control them.

c) What are some of the important points given in the poster.
Ans: Some of the important points  given in the poster are:
i) Names of diseases spread by mosquitoes.
ii) Measures to be taken to prevent growth of mosquitoes in our surroundings.
iii) Ways to protect ourselves from mosquito bites.

d) Why do you think pictures of a tank, cooler and pits are shown in the poster.
Ans: Tank, cooler and pits are the places where water can stagnate and would become the favorable sites for mosquito breeding and multiplication.

15.  Why do you think it talks about putting fish in the tank. What do you think fish eats.
It talks about putting fish in the tank because the fish eats the larvae of mosquito that develops  in the water.

16.  What will happen when oil is spread on the water.
When oil is spread on water,it forms a thin layer on the water. This thin layer on the water surface prevents oxygen supply to eggs and larvae of mosquitoes due to which they are killed.

17.  Which diseases are spread by flies and how.
Diseases spread by flies are dysentery, cholera, typhoid, anthrax, etc. These diseases are spread when the disease causing germs are carried by the flies. When a fly sits on contaminated or dirty material, harmful germs stick to its legs. When the same fly sits on food or other eatables, the germs get transferred to that food. Thus germs enter our body and cause the disease.

18.  Divide your class into two or three groups. Each group will go around to check one area in school or around it. It must carefully note, and mark (√) where it finds stagnant water.

i) Since how many days has water collected there.
Ans: Water seems to have been collected there for more than a week.

ii) Has it caused any problem in the area.
Ans: Yes, due to this stagnant water, the whole area is stinking and has become a breeding place for mosquitoes and germs.

iii) Who is responsible for keeping these places clean.
Ans: It is the responsibility of school authorities to maintain cleanliness within the school premises where as in other places in the area its municipal corporation or village panchayat who is responsible for keeping the area clean.

iv) Who is supposed to get the gutters and drains repaired.
Ans: The municipal corporation and the village panchayat is supposed to repairs drains and gutters.

v) Can any larvae be seen in the collected water.
Ans: Yes we could many larvae in the collected water.

19.   Make a poster

i) In your group, make a poster with a message to keep the cooler, tank, drains and the area clean (Wherever water collects) put up your poster in and around your school.
(Students are suggested to try this question)

ii) Find out who is responsible for keeping the area around your school clean. Write the letter from your class, reporting your findings and suggestions. Find out to whom the letter should be written and to which office it should be sent.
Ans: The municipality of my town is responsible for keeping the area around my school clean.
The letter should be written to the mayor and be sent to the local municipal corporation office.


The Mayor

Municipal Corporation of Delhi

New Delhi

Rohini, sector – 25

Subject – Request for cleanliness and maintenance of area around Bal Bharati Public school .

Respected Sir,

Through this letter I want to draw your attention towards the unhealthy situation of the area around my school. There are heaps of garbage lying around the school. Pits and drains are stinking with stagnant water. The entire area has been turned into a mess and has become a breeding spot for mosquitoes and germs. If no measures are taken to improve the condition of this area, then it is sure to cause spreading of dangerous disease in the area.

So, I request you to look into the matter immediately and order to clean up the garbage and drains in the area as soon as possible.

For this I shall ever be very grateful to you.

Thanking you

Yours Sincerely

Reena,   (ClassV )

Bal Bharati Public school

Rohini – sector

20.  Is there any pond or river around your house or school. Go look around and observe these things.

i)  Can you see algae in or around the water.
Ans: Yes we can see algae in or around the water.

ii)  Where else have you seen algae.
Ans: : I have seen algae on the surface of ponds and pools, near the drains, hand pumps, etc.

iii)  Are there plants growing on the side or in water. Find out their names. Draw some of these in your notebook.

Ans: Yes, there are some small plants growing on the side or in the water. Names of few plants are liver wort, mosses etc.

iv)  Do you think these were planted by someone or did they grow on their own.
Ans: All these plants grew on their own.

v)  What else can you see in water. Make a list.
Ans: We can also find small fishes, frogs, mosquito larvae and tiny insects floating in water.

21.  What can you do so that mosquitoes do not breed in your house, school, and neighbourhood.
We can prevent the breeding of mosquitoes by:
i) Not allowing water to stagnate in the nearby areas.
ii) Spraying DDT and kerosene oil in drains, pits, etc
iii) Cleaning the cooler and water tanks regularly.
iv) Cultivate fish in nearby ditches, pits, ponds, etc.

22.  How can you find out if someone has malaria.
If the blood test shows malaria positive, then malaria is confirmed in that person.

 Choose the correct answer:

1) Which of these diseases are caused by mosquitoes ____________ .

a) Dengue                       b) chikungunya
c) Malaria                       d) All of the above .

2) What is the normal range of hemoglobin __________ .

a) 6 – 8 gm/dl               b) 12 – 16 gm/dl
c) 8 – 10 gm/dl             d) None of the above

3) Which of this disease is spread by flies __________ .

a) Malaria                      b) Cholera
c) Dengue                      d) Chikungunya

4) Which of the following is done to protect one from mosquitoes _________ .

a) Wire mesh on windows                 b) Removing stagnant water.
c) Keeping surrounding clean          d) All of the above

5) Condition of less haemoglobin/ iron in the blood is called _________ .

a) Anaemia                                          b) Pollo
c) Night blindness                             d) Fever

Answers :

1) All of the above                          2) None of the above                   3) Cholera
4) All of the above                         5) Anaemia  .

 State whether following statement are true or false :

a) Anaemia affects both physical and mental health.

b) Malaria cannot diagnosed with blood test .

c) Doctor suggested Aarti to eat leafy vegetables to recover from Anaemia .

d) Fever with chills and rigors is a symptom of malaria .

Answers :
a)  True                   b)  False                  c)  True                   d)  True .

Fill in the blanks :

1.  ___________ are some king of small plants that grow in water.

2.  Flies carry ___________ From one place to another.

3.  ___________ water is the breeding ground for mosquitoes.

4.  Green leafy vegetables like lettuce contain ___________ .

5.  Anaemia affects both _________ as well as __________ health.

Answers :
1.  Algae                  2.  Germs                 3.  Stagnant                4.  Iron                 5.  Physical and Mental .