Text Questions and Answers:

1.  What did Lencho hope for
Ans. Lencho hoped for rain because he wanted his fields to get a good harvest.

2.  Why did Lencho say the raindrops were like ‘new coins’.
Ans. Lencho said the raindrops were like ‘new coins’ as his crops needed rain to get a good harvest and the raindrops were bright like new coins.

3.  How did the rains change. What happened to Lencho’s fields.
Ans. The rain changed into a hailstorm. Hail stones fell on the house, the garden, the hillside and the cornfield. It destroyed Lencho’s fields completely.

4.  What were Lencho’s feelings when the hail stopped.
Ans. Lencho felt very sad and broken. The hail had left nothing. He felt that they would have no food that year.

5.  Who or what did Lencho have faith in. What did he do.
Ans. Lencho had faith in God. He thought God was his only hope. He hopes that God will help him and his family.So he wrote a letter to God asking for 100 pesos.

6.  Who read the letter.
Ans. The postman saw the letter and he gave it to the postmaster who read Lencho’s letter to God.

7.  What did the postmaster do then.
Ans.  The postmaster asked money from his employees and he himself gave a part of his salary. He helped Lencho by sending this money on behalf of God.

8.  Was Lencho surprised to find a letter for him with money in it.
Ans. Lencho was not supposed to find a letter with money in it. He had full faith in God. He knew that God’s eyes could see everything.He was sure that the entire amount would be sent to him by God

9.  What made him angry.
Ans. Lencho had requested  God to send him 100 pesos but he got only 70 pesos. This made him angry as God could not make a mistake and so he thought that the post office employees took the money and they cheated him.

Complete the following sentences:

1.  The postmaster decided to answer the letter as in he did not want to shake the writer’s faith in God.

2.  The postmaster was greatly impressed by Lencho’s faith in God as seen in the letter to God.

3.  Lencho was called an ox of a man because he worked like an animal in the fields.