1.   Where in the classroom does Wanda sit and why ?
Wanda sat in the seat next to the last seat in the last row in Room Thirteen. She sat in the corner of the room where the rough boys sat. It was also the place where there was most scuffling of feet roars of laughter when anything funny was said. Wanda sat there not because she was rough and noisy. It may be because her feet were caked with dry mud. She sat there to avoid the stare of the others.

2.   Where does Wanda live what kind of a place do you think it is ?
Wanda lived at Boggins Heights it seems the place was far away from school it may have been on a hill where there was lot of dry mud it was a rich locality but also a place where the poor immigrants live.

3.   When and why do Peggy and Maddie notice Wanda’s absence ?
Peggie and Maddie noticed Wanda’s absence after three days that is on Wednesday. They noticed her absence because Wanda had made them late to school as they had wanted to make fun of her.

4.   What do you think to have fun with her means ?
In the context of the lesson to have fun with her means that Peggy and Maddie would make fun of Wanda and tease her for their own pleasure. They would have fun at the cost of Wanda’s poverty and poor living conditions.This fun was not natural fun but it was meant to insult and mock her.

5.   In what way was Wanda different from the other children ?
Wanda was different from the other children in some ways she did not have any friends she came to school alone and went home alone. She always wore a faded blue dress that did not fit her properly. She did not talk to anybody her name Wanda Petronski sounded funny and different from the other easy names of the children in her class.

6.   Did Wanda have a hundred dresses why do you think she said she did ?
Wanda did not have a hundred dresses as she was poor she wore the same faded dress everyday to school Wanda said she did have hundred dresses may be she dreamt to possess a hundred dresses like the other children with their wardrobe full of clothes. she had no friends so she said it just to make conversation or to get the attention of the other girls.

7.   Why is Maddie embarrassed by the questions Peggy asks Wanda is she also like Wanda or is she different ?
Maddie was embarrassed by the questions Peggie asked Wanda because Maddie was poor herself she also wore old clothes handed down by someone else. She was different from Wanda in the sense that she didn’t live at Boggins Heights, she didn’t have a funny name, she did not put the same old dress everyday  She fetl sorry for Wanda she was worried later on everyone would start teasing her.

8.   Why didn’t Maddie ask Peggie to stop teasing Wanda what was she afraid of ?
:  Maddie didn’t ask Peggie to stop teasing Wanda as she knew she did not  have the courage to speak right out to Peggy. Then she started to write a note to Peggie. But later on  Maddie paused as she pictured herself as the new target for Peggy and other girls to tease. Maddie was afraid Peggie might ask her about her dress and she would have to reply about the dress she was wearing.

9.   Who did Maddie think would win the drawing contest why ?
Maddie was sure Peggy would win the drawing contest this contest consisted of designing dresses. Peggy drew better that anyone in the class. She could copy a picture in a magazine or a film stars head so that one could tell who it was. So Maddie was certain Peggy would win.Wanda’s rare talent of drawing and colouring was not known to anyone so far.

10.   Who won the drawing contest what had the winner drawn ?
Wanda Petronski won the drawing contest the winner had drawn one hundred designs of dresses. The designs were all different and beautiful.

11.  How is Wanda seen as different by other girls how do they treat her ?
Wanda is seen as different from other girls.The other girls made fun of her and teased her by commenting on her dress.This was done for their own pleasure. They would have fun at the cost of Wanda’s poverty and poor living conditions

12.  How does Wanda feel about the dresses game. Why does she say she has a hundred dresses ?
Wanda doesn’t show any feelings about the dresses game she must have been hurt and so it could be one of the reasons to move away to another city Wanda says she has a hundred dresses may be to draw attention of her friends she was a poor girl and came from far away she only felt happy when she spoke about her hundred dresses just like the other girls telling about their clothes in their wardrobe.Maybe in this way she thought that she could be a part of the girls group and have some friends.

13.  Why does Maddie stand by and not do anything. How is she different from Peggy. Was Peggy’s friendship important to Maddie. Why? Which lines in the text tell tell you this?
Maddie always stood by and never did anything she was afraid if she did anything she would be the next target as she too was poor she is different from Peggy Peggy is rich Maddie admired her as she was the most liked girl in the room and she drew better than anyone else Peggy freinship was important to Maddie as seen in the lines : (i) Peggy who had thought up this game and Maddie her inseperable  friend were always last to leave (ii) she was Peggys best friend and Peggy was the best liked girl in the whole room (iii) Peggy could not do anything that was really wrong (iv) Oh Maddie was sure Peggy would win.

14.  What does Miss Mason think of Wanda’s drawing. What do the children think of them. How do you know ?
Miss Mason appreciated Wanda’s drawings she was impressed at the creativity of Wanda as she had designs of hundreds of dresses in wide range of variety. The children also admired the drawings. Everybody stopped and whistled or murmured admiring them earlier they also applauded .Even the boys were glad to stamp on the  floor and whistle in the end. Peggy exclaimed … and I thought I could draw. So we came to know they recognised and appreciated Wanda’s designs.