1. Why did the man stare at Bepin Babu in disbelief ?
    The man stared at Bepin Babu in disbelief because Bepin Babu did not recognize him even though he knew him and had met him in Ranchi.
  1. Where did Bipin Babu say he went in October ’58 ?
    Bepin Babu has said he was in Kanpur in October ’58.
  1. Mention any three (or more) things that Parimal Ghose knew about Bepin Babu ?
    : Parimal Ghose knew that Bepin’s wife was dead, and his only brother had died in a mental hospital. He knew Bepin Babu didn’t have children and he was a book lover.
  1. Why did Bepin Babu worry about what Parimal Ghose had said ?
    : Bepin Babu was worried about what Parimal Ghose has said. He was surprised he knew every detail about his life. He knew very well that he had not been to Ranchi but he could not he certain about the Ranchi trip.
  1. How did he try to decide who was right his memory or Parimal Ghose ?
    : Bepin Babu tried to decide who was right by looking at his right knee where there was a cut. But he could not decide if it was as a result of fall in Ranchi, then he decided to ask Dinesh Mukherjee who seemed to be with him in Ranchi.
  1. Why did Bepin Babu hesitate to visit Mr. Mukherjee. Why did he finally decide to phone him ?
    Bepin Babu hesitated to visit Mr. Mukherjee because he was afraid to face the    from Mr. Mukherjee who would think he had gone insane. He finally decided to phone him because that way his embarrassment would not be seen by Mr. Mukherjee.
  1. What did Mr. Mukherjee say. Did it comfort Bepin Babu or add to his worries ?
    Mr. Mukherjee said that they had actually gone to Ranchi in ’58. It did not comfort Bepin in any way but added to his worried as he could not make out how he could have forgotten about the trip.
  1. Who was Chunilal. What did he want from Bepin Babu ?
    Chunilal was Bepin Babu’s old school mate. He had been having a hard time lately and had been coming to see Bepin Babu for a job.
  1. Why was Dr. Chanda puzzled. What was unusual about Bepin Babu’s loss of memory ?
    : Dr. Chanda was puzzled because he had never dealt with a case like that of Bepin Babu’s. it was beyond his field of experience.
    The unusual thing was Bepin Babu remembered everything in his past except that Ranchi incident.
  1. Had Bepin Babu really lost his memory and forgotten all about a trip to Ranchi ?
    : No, Bepin Babu had not lost his memory and forgotten all about a trip to Ranchi.
  1. Why do you think Chunilal did what he did. Chunilal says he was no money: What is it that he does have ?
    Chunilal wanted some money from Bepin Babu as he was having a rough time, but Bepin did not help him. Chunilal had no money but he had a lot of imagination which he used to unfeeling behavior.
  1. The author describes Bepin Babu as a serious and hardworking man. What evidence can you find in the story to support this ?
    Ans: The author described Bepin Babu as a serious and hardworking man. We find this in the lines. “Bepin was doing a responsible job. This had never happened in the twenty – five years he had been with the firm. He had reputation for being a tireless conscientious worker”.
  1. Why did Bepin Babu change his mind about meeting Chunilal. What was the result of this meeting ?
    Bepin Babu changed his mind about the meeting Chunilal because he thought that Chunilal would tell him something about Ranchi trip. But he became more miserable after the meeting as Chunilal said it was he who had got a ticket booked for his Ranchi trip.
  1. Bepin Babu lost consciousness of Hudroo falls. What do you think was the reason for this ?
    Bepin Babu found lying unconscious he must have slipped and fallen. It could be that he was strained and stressed due to his not being able to remember his trip to Ranchi.
  1. How do you think Bepin Babu reacted when he found out that Chunilal had tricked him ?
    Bepin Babu must have regretted when he found the truth about Chunilal. He must be upset for not helping him, his old friend in his bad times when he could. Bepin Babu would be angry with Chunilal for creating confusion in his life.