1.3  Additional Questions :

1.  What are natural resources. On what basis can they be classified.
Ans: Natural resources are those that are taken from nature and can be used without changing them.Rivers, lakes, air, soils, minerals, trees, mountains, etc. are natural resources.
They can be classified on the following basis :

i) On the basis of level of development of resource: A natural resource can be actual or potential. An actual resource is one which is used currently and we know their quantity. Eg: coal deposits. A potential resource is one whose utility is not known at present or is not used despite having utility, instead it may be useful at some time in future. Eg: Uranium deposits in Ladakh.

ii) On the basis of origin: A resource can be abiotic or biotic. A biotic resource is one that has life. Examples plants and animals. An abiotic resource is non-living. Eg: soils, rocks, furniture, books.

iii) On the basis of renewable and non-renewable: A renewable resource can be used without any risk of its ending up. They exist in unlimited quantity .Eg: solar energy and wind energy. On the other hand, use of non-renewable resources need to be controlled since once they are over they cannot be renewed. Eg: coal, petroleum.

iv) On the basis of distribution: A resource can be ubiquitous or localized. A ubiquitous resource is found everywhere, like air. A localized resource is however found in certain parts of the world only, like we cannot find coal everywhere.

2.  What are Human made resources.
Human made resources have not been provided to us by nature. Human beings have used their intelligence to manufacture them for their own use. Examples include vehicles, buildings, roads, telephone, etc. Human resources include people who serve us in any way. Your teacher, doctor, carpenter, cobbler, etc. are all also human resources.

3.  What is Resource conservation.
Resource conservation is the concept of using resources carefully so that they do not end up quickly. The future generations also need the resource, but if we keep using them at a fast pace, they may end up, thus posing problems for the future. We should use resources in such a balanced way that we satisfy our needs as well as conserve them for future. This concept is also called sustainable development.

4.  What do you mean by stock of resource.
The amount of resource available for use is called stock resource.

5.  What are human resources.
A human being who can contribute to his family, society, or economy is called a human resource.

6.  What factors affect the adaptability of a habitat.
Some factors affecting the adaptability of a place are topography , height from sea level, climate, fertility of soil, vegetation, etc. People cannot live in dense forests or in deserts . They cannot live on high slopes in mountainous areas , or in low-lying areas where there is possibilities of floods and water logging . Plains and river valleys are the places where agriculture is suited , so most of the world population lives in such areas ,and these areas are also heavily populated .

7.  Mention any three types of resources.
Natural Resource, Man-made resource and Human Resources are the main  three types of resources.

8.  Give few examples of Man-made resources
Clothes, utensils, food grains, combs, books, are man-made resources.

9.  Give few examples of Natural Resources.
Land, air water, rain forest, minerals sunshine, mountains are Natural resources.

10.  When can people make the best use of nature.
People can make best use of nature to create more resources when they have the  knowledge ,the skill and the technology to understand it.

11.  What can we do to conserve natural resources.
To conserve our natural resources can :
i) Ensure that our natural resources are preserved.
ii) Ensure that we do not destroy our ecosystem.
iii) Renew resources where  and when ever possible.

 Fill in the banks:

1)  A substance becomes a resource if it has ___________.

2)  Using resource carefully and giving them time to get renewed is __________.

3)  Air is a Ubiquitous resource since it is found __________.

4)  Although renewable resources can be replenished. We should be ________ regarding their use.

5)  Coal and petroleum are example of ___________.

Answers :
1)  Utility           2)  Resource conservation         3)  Everywhere        4)  Careful             5)  Non-renewable resource  .