2.2  Text Questions :

Write the answer in one sentences :

1.  What is Apartheid.
Ans :
  Racial discrimination practice in South Africa is called as Apartheid.

2.  Who ruled South Africa till 1994.
  The white touched rulers.

 3.  What is the full form of ANC.
Ans : 
African National Congress.

 4.  Who was the leader of ANC ( African National Congress) .
Ans :
  Nelson Mandela.

 5.  What did the ANC ( African National Congress )  do.
Ans :
  It laid the struggle against Apartheid.

6.  Why was Nelson Mandela tried for treason.
Ans :
  He was tried for treason because he opposed the Apartheid rule.

7.  For how many years was Nelson Mandela imprisoned.
Ans :
   Nelson Mandela was  imprisoned for 28 Years.

 8.  Any two arguments for democracy.
Ans :

(1) It is a more accountable form of government.
(2) Democracy enhances the dignity of citizens.

9.  Which was South Africa’s most dreaded prisoner.
Ans :
  South Africa’s most dreaded prisoner was Robbin Island.

10.  In which year did the Apartheid rule in South Africa end.
Ans :
The Apartheid rule in South Africa ended in the year 1994.

11.  Who became the first black President of South Africa and when.
Ans :
  Nelson Mandela in 1994 became the first black President of South Africa.

 12.  Why do the South Africans called themselves the “Rainbow Nation”
Ans :
  Now people of  all race live in peace and harmony together.

13.  What is the Constitution.
Ans : 
The Constitution is a set of rules and regulations accepted by all the people in the country.

14.  Who first drafted a constitution for India.
Ans :
  Motilal Nehru and eight other Congress leaders  in 1928 drafted a constitution for India.

 15.  Who did the final drafting of the Indian constitution.
Ans : 
The Constituent Assembly did the final drafting of the Indian Constitution.

 16.  How many participated in writing the Indian Constitution.
Ans : 
299 members.

17.  When did the Indian Constituents come into force.
Ans :
  On 26th January 1950.

 18.  How do we mark 26th January every year.
Ans : 
We celebrated 26th January as republic day.

19.  Who were the 299 members elected to the constituent assembly.
Ans :
  Members from all religion of the country.

 20.  Who dominated the constituent assembly.
Ans :
  Indian National Congress (INC).

21.  Who was the chairman of the drafting committee.
Ans : 
Dr. B. R  Ambedkar.

22.  Who wrote the book young India.
Ans :
  Mahatma Gandhi.

23.  Who gave a famous speech to the constituent assembly on the eve of Independent.
Ans :
  Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.

 24.  What are the values embedded in the preamble of the Indian constitution  important.
Ans : 
They guide all the articles of the Indian constitution.

25.  Why do we call India a republic.
Ans : 
The head of the state is an elected person.

 26.  What is fraternity.
Ans : 
Fraternity means all of us are member the same family (India) no one treats a fallow citizen as inferior.

 Answer in two sentences :

1.  India is a democratic republic. Explain.
Ans :

(1) The head of the state is the elected person.
(2) People elect their representatives.

2.  Why do we say India a secular country.
Ans :

(1)There is no official religion.
(2) All religion beliefs and practices are treated with equal respect.

 3.  India is a sovereign country.Explain.
Ans :

(1) People have the supreme right to make decisions .
(2) No external power can dictate terms to government of India.

4.  Why is India called a socialist country.
Ans :

(1) Wealth is generated socially.
(2) Wealth is shared equally by all the citizens.

5.  Why is equality is a significant part of our constitution.
Ans :

(1) All are equal before the law.
(2) Government ensures equal opportunities to all .