2.3  Additional Questions And Answers :

(1)  By whom is the executive powers of the government of India vested?
Ans : President of India.

(2)  What is the system of election of the President called?
Ans :
Electoral college.

(3)  Who is the head of the government?
Ans :
The Prime Minister.

(4)  Write one qualification of the President of India?
Ans :
He should be citizen of India.

(5)  What is the tenure of President of India?
Ans :
 5 years.

(6)  Who appoints the Attorney General of India?
Ans :
The President of India.

(7)  Who acts as a President until the new President is elected?
Ans :
Vice President, Ex officer , chairperson.

(8)  What is the ground for impeachment of the President of India ?
Ans :
Violation of the constitution

(9)  Who is the normal executive authority?
Ans :
The President of India.

(10)  Who is the head of the state?
Ans :
The President of India.

(11)  What is President role also known as?
Ans :
State Emergency or Constitutional Emergency .