3.1    Meanings :

1.  Interpret – Explain the meaning of .

2.  Deem – Of a specific character .

3.  Succession – a number of people or things following one another.

4.  Debarred – Prohibit or exclude some from doing something.

5.  Controversies – heated discussion.

6.  Approval – the action of approving something.

7.  Enumerated – mentioning items one by one.

8.  Invalid –not valid.

9.  Tribunal – a group of people appointed to settle disputes.

10.  Appeals – Make an formal request.

11.  Contravene – order of law.

12.  Consolidated – To bring together (separate parts).

13.  Conter – a long flat – trapped fitment across which business is conducted in a shop or bank.

14.  Petition – a formal written request, typically one signed by many people.

15.  Sanctioned – give official permission or approval.