3.1   Meanings :

1.  Reorient  – Change the focus or direction .

2.  Election – A  vote of a person for a political office or other position.

3.  Intervals – A pause or break in activity.

4.  Incentives – A thing that motivates or encourages someone .

5.  Parliamentary – Relating to a parliament.

6.  Legitimate – Conforming to the law or to rules.

7.  Code of Conduct –  Set of rules .

8.  Constituency – A group of voters in a specified area who elect a representative .

9.  Rigging – The system of ropes or chains employed to support a ship’s masts.

10.  Enthusiasm – Intense and eager .

11.  Turnout – the number of people attending or taking part.

12.  Incumbent – Necessary for (someone) as a duty or responsibility.