3.3   Additional Questions :

Answer the following questions :

1.  Where was Nelson Mandela  imprisoned for 28 years in South Africa?
Nelson Mandela was imprisoned  at Robben Island  in South Africa  for 28 years.

2.  what was the full form of ANC in South Africa ?
The full form  ANC in South Africa was “The African National Congress”.

3.  What changes tool place in south Africa?

i) Discretionary laws were repealed.
ii) Ban of political parties and restrictions on the media were lifted.
iii) Nelson Mandela was released from the prison.  A new National Flag of the republic of South Africa was unfurled. The apartheid Government came to an end. A multi-racial Government was formed.

4.  Why did the white regime in South Africa change its policies?
The white regime in South Africa changed its policies because:
i) Protest and struggles against apartheid had increased.
ii) The Government of south Africa realised that they could no longer keeps the Blacks under their rule through repression.

5.  Which countries have constitutions?
All democratic countries have a  constitutions.

6.  Define Constitution.

i) The constitution  of a country is a set of written rules that are accepted by all the people living together  in a country.
It is the supreme law that determines the relationship among people living in a territory and also the relationship between the  people and the government .