4.1  Meanings :

1.  Interlocking – (of two or more things) having parts that overlap together .

2.  Citadel – typically one on high ground above a city .

3.  Leading – guidance or leadership .

4.  Elaborate – involving many carefully arranged parts .

5.  Drained – liquid in (something) to run out .

6.  Courtyard – partially enclosed by walls or buildings .

7.  Inspection – careful examination or scrutiny .

8.  Scribes – a person who made written copies of documents .

9.  Spindle – flax held on a distaff .

10.  Carving – an object  carved from a hard material as an artistic work .

11.  Seals – a device or substance that is used to join two things together .

12.  Specialist – a person highly skilled in a specific and restricted field .

13.  Distant – far away in space or time .

14.  Hunted – being pursued or searched for .

15.  Massive – large and heavy or solid .

16.  Bead – small piece of glass, stone .

17.  Abandoned – cease to support or look after (someone) .