4.3   Additional Questions :

Answer the following questions :

1.  What created  a problem of timber  supply for the Royal Navy of England?
The disappearance of oak forest created a problem  of timber supply for the Royal Navy of England.

2.  Why did the peasants extend the boundaries of cultivation?
The peasants increased the boundaries of cultivation because :
i) There was an increase in population.
ii) The demand for the food went up.

3.  Why did the colonial  state bring  the forests under cultivation?
The colonial state brought the forests under cultivation :
i) To yield agricultural products and revenue.
ii) To enhance the income of  the state.

4.  Which forest  were called the Reserve forest?
The  best forest  were called the Reserve forest.

5.  What were the local terms  used in India  for Swidden agriculture?
  The local terms  used in India  for Swidden agriculture were dhya, penda, revad, jbumpodu, khandad, and kumai .

6.  Who argued that species of animals needed to be protected in India?
The Environmentalist and  the Conservators argued that the  species of animals  needed to be protected in India.

7.  How did the Nomadic community of the Madras Presidency lose their livelihood?
  The nomadic community of the Madras Presidency lost  their livelihood as the British  restricted grazing and hunting by the local people.

8.  Why did the forest department promote Teak and Sal trees?
Ans: The forest department  promoted Teak and Sal trees because:
i) It wanted trees suitable for building ships and railways.
ii) It needed trees that could provide  hard wood and that were tall and straight.

9.  Why did the British encourage hunting in India?
  The British encourage hunting in India because :
i) They saw large animals as sign of a wild, primitive and savage society.
ii) They believed that by killing dangerous animals they  would civilize the Indians.

10.  What methods did Brand is decide to  introduce  for the conversation of forest?
For the conversation of forest Brand is decided :
i) To train the people in the science of conservation.
ii) To frame rules about the use of forest resources.
iii) To  restrict the felling  of trees and grazing.
iv) To preserve the forest only for timber production.

11.  What everyday practices of the village people became illegal by the Forest Act?
Many everyday  practices  of the people became illegal by the Forest Act. They were :
i) Cutting of woods for houses.
ii) Grazing of the cattle.
iii) Collecting fruits and roots.
iv) Hunting and fishing.

12.  Why was the project of the World Bank regarding the Sal forest cancelled?
The project of the World Bank regarding the Sal forest cancelled because the local environment environmentalist protested against it.

13.  What made the people of Bastar worried?
The people of Bastar were worried because :
i) The colonial government proposed to reserve two-thirds of the forest in 1905.
ii) The government stopped shifting cultivation, hunting and collection of forest products.