5.1   Meanings/Short Definitions :

1.  Manufacturing – changing raw material to a usable form.

2.  Product – something obtained from raw materials by certain processes.

3.  Agro-based industry – industries that use plant and animals based products as raw material.

4.  Mineral – based industry – industries that use mineral ores as their raw material.

5.  Marine –based industry – industries that use sea and ocean products as their raw material.

6.  Forest -based industry – industries that use forest produce as raw material.

7.  Small-scale industry – industries that run on little capital and infrastructure.

8.  Large- scale industry – industries that run on large amount of capital and have big infrastructure.

9.  Private-sector industry – industries owned and run by an individual.

10.  Public- sector industry – industries owned and run by government.

11.  Joint- sector industry – industries owned and run by the state as well as individuals.

12.  Cooperative sector industry – industries owned and operated by producer or suppliers of a raw material.

13.  Steel –an alloy of iron obtained from iron ore.