5.1  Meanings:

1.  Inscription – something written on stone, bricks, metal or other hard surface .

2.  Grandiose – impressive and imposing in appearance or style.

3Superstructure – the part of a building above the ground floor.

4Sophisticated – involving a great deal of wordly experience and knowledge of fashion and culture.

5Baolis – large stepped wells.

6Shikhara – the top most point of the temple.

7Deities – a god or goddess.

8Allies–  a state formally cooperating with another for a military.

9Lawgivers – one who gives a code of laws to a people.

10.  Patronage – The support given by a Patron.

11Pious – is marked by or showing reverence for deity and devotion to divine worship.

12Realm – a kingdom.

13.  Reservoirs – a large natural or artificial lake used as a source of water supply.

14Incarnation – a person who incorporated in the flesh a deity, spirit or quality

15Congregation – a group of people assembled for religious worship.

16.  Monasteries – a building occupied by a community of monks living under religious  vows.

17Chahar Bagh – Four garden.

18Pishtaq – the tall gateway.

19Pietra Dura – coloured, hard stones placed in depressions carved into marble or sandstone creating beautiful, ornate patterns.

20Orpheus – a poet and musician in Greek.

21Lute – a plucked stringed instrument with a long neck bearing frets and a rounded body with a flat front.

22Ferocious – cruel.

23Diwan-i-khas – the ceremonial halls of public and private audience.