Answer the following questions :

1.  What does weather include ?
Weather includes changes in temperature, rainfall and sunshine etc.

2.  How is the climate of a place affected.
The climate of a place is affected by its location, altitudes, distance from the sea, and relief.

3.  What are thorny bushes. Write 2-3 sentence on it.
This type of vegetation is found in dry areas of the country. The leaves are in the form of spines to reduce the loss of water. Cactus, khair, babool etc.

4.  What are mangrove forests? Where are they found?
These forests can survive in saline water. They are found mainly in Sunderbans in West Bengal and in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Sundari is a well known species of trees in mangrove forests after which Sunderbans have been named.

5.  Why are forests necessary?
Forests are very useful for us. They perform various functions. Plants release oxygen that we breathe and absorbs carbon dioxide. The roots of the plants bind the soil , thus, they control soil erosion. Forest provide us  timber for furniture, fuel wood, medicinal plants and herbs, lac, honey, gum, etc. Forests are the natural habitat of wildlife.

6.  Name our national bird and animal.
The peacock is our national bird. And the tiger is our national animal.