1)  Who narrated his encounter with the snake? To whom? Why did he narrate the incident ?
A homeopathic doctor narrated his encounter with a snake to some other (doctors) when the topic came when they were discussing snakes. He narrated the incident to share his frightening experience when a full-blooded cobra had sat so his shoulder.

2) When and where did the incident take place ?
Ans: The incident took place in the narrator’s room after he had taken his meal in a restaurant and had returned to his room at about ten ‘o clock in the night.

3) What were the reasons for the doctor to live in a small house ?
Ans: The doctor had just started his medical practice and so his earnings were not much and therefore could not afford to rent a better and comfortable place to stay. He was a bachelor and could manage in a small rented house.

4) Why the doctor could not sleep despite the lateness of the hour ?
Ans: The doctor could not sleep as it was hot and there was no air because there were no fans as his room was not electrified.

Complete the following sentences

1) I tried  in my imagination to write in bright letters outside my little heart the word ‘O God’.

2) I would always keep that attractive smile on my face to look more handsome.

3) No sooner had I turned than a fat snake wriggled over the back of the chair and landed on my shoulder.

4) My life companion is a thin reedy person with the gift of a sprinter.

5) I took my friends and one or two others to my room to move my things from there.