Active and Passive Voice

Rules for Change of Voices 

  • Identify the subject, the verb and the object: SVO.
  • Change the object into subject.
  • Put the suitable helping verb or auxiliary verb. …
  • Change the verb into past participle of the verb.
  • Add the preposition “by”
  • Change the subject into object.

I. Change the tense from Active voice to Passive voice:

1. He reads a Novel.

Ans: A novel is read by him.

2. Why do you waste time?

Ans:Why is time wasted by you?

3. Whom did you meet?

Ans: Who was met by you?

4. I shall help him.

Ans: He will be helped by me.

5. Are the children flying kites?

Ans: Are the kites being flown by the children.

6. He was writing a letter.

Ans: A letter was being written by him.

7. She has read this book?

Ans: This book has been read by her.

8. He has not helped me?

Ans: I have not been helped by him.

9. She had received the parcel.

Ans: The Parcel had been received by her.

10. Never give up hope.

Ans: Let hope never be given up.

II. Change the tense Passive to Active.

1. Which book is read by you these days?

Ans: Which book do you read this days?

2. A story was told to her by me.

Ans: I told her a story.

3. I shall not be disturbed by you.

Ans: You will not disturb me?

4. My work was not being done by me.

Ans: I was not doing my work.

5. By whom has my watch been stolen?

Ans: Who has stolen my watch?

6. You are requested to post this letter.

Ans: Please post this letter.

7. Has the boy been taught by you?

Ans: Have you taught the boy?

8. When was the letter written by you?

Ans: When did you write the letter?

9. This work can be done by you.

Ans: You can do this work.

10. My proposal was objected to by her.

Ans: She objected to my proposal.

Questions for practice:

I. Change the tense into passive voice

1. When did they deliver the mail?

2. Music interests me.

3. One must do one’s duty.

4. Your shirt needs washing.

5. These mango tastes sweet.

6. People say that he is a rich man.

7. Someone has stolen my pen.

8. This bottle contain milk.

9. Why are you wasting your time?

10. He hopes to pass this year.

II. Change the tense into active voice.

1. A year is made of twelve months.

2. Compose this letter.

3. Nobody was praised by me.

4. The train has been missed by him.

5. Was a book being read by him?

6. Why was the servant beaten by her?

7. You may be helped by him.

8. His request was accepted by us.

9. What was being done by her?

10. His elders should be respected by him.