Answer the following questions:-

Q  The enclosure in which Kari lived had a thatched roof that lay on thick tree stumps. Examine the illustration of Kari’s pavilion on page 8 and say why it was built that way?

Ans.  Kari’s pavilion was built under a thatched roof having its support on a thick tree trunk. The support was necessary to save the roof from falling down when he moved about and bumped against the bamboo poles.

Q Did Kari enjoy his morning bath on the river? Give a reason for your answer.

Ans.  Yes, Kari loved to be taken to the river for his bath. He used to lie down on the sand bank. The narrator rubbed his body with clean sand. Then he washed his body with water. He used to make happy sounds indicating that he loved his bath..

Q  Finding good twigs for Kari took a long time. Why?

Ans. The narrator had to work hard to gather new soft  twigs for Kari. He had to climb all types of trees. If the twigs were broken or not in a proper shape than, Kari refused to eat them.

Q  Why did Kari push his friend into the stream?

Ans. Kari pushed his friend into the stream to help a boy who was drowning in the water. Kari himself could not save and carry the boy to the shore.

Q  Kari was like a baby. What are the main points of comparison?

Ans. Kari was like a human baby. He had to be taught a few lessons to become good. Like a baby he too played some mischief. He used to steal away the fruits from the dining table.

Q   Kari helped himself to all the bananas in the house without anyone noticing it. How did he do it?

Ans. Kari was a aughty  but intelligent creature. He started taking away the bananas kept on the dining table. He used his  long black trunk to steal the fruits through the window.

Q   Kari learnt the commands to sit and to walk . What were the instructions for each command?

Ans.  Kari learnt the commands to sit down or stand up and  walk fast or slow. The word ’Dhat’ was the command to sit down. The word ’Mali’ was the command to walk.

Q  What is ‘the master call’ ? Why is it the most important signal for an elephant to learn?

Ans.  The master’s call was a strange kind of sound, like the of a hissing a snake and howling like a tiger. It sounded like a fight between a snake and a tiger. This sound had to be made in the elephant’s ear. This was a necessary signal for Kari to uproot trees and make a passage through the dense forest for the house.

Fill in the blanks:-

i) Kari was —– months old when he was given to the narrator.
ii) Kari ate —— and wanted —— pounds of it per day.
ii) The narrator used to cut the twigs with a sharp  ——–
iv) ——- and —- twigs were found on the trees which Kari ate.
v) The narrator’s family blamed the —– for stealing the bananas.
vi) Kari was pulled by the — when he was caught stealing bananas
vii) Kari helped the narrator to save the —— boy.


i) Kari was five months old when he was given to the narrator.

ii) Kari ate twigs and wanted forty pounds of it per day.

iii) The narrator used to cut the twigs with a sharp hatchet.

iv) Tender and delicate twigs were found on the trees which Kari ate.

v)  The narrator’s family blamed the servant for stealing the bananas.

vi) Kari was pulled by the ear when he was caught stealing bananas.

vii) Kari helped the narrator to save the drowning boy.